As you probably know, April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Working to prevent child abuse is absolutely critical, but so is learning how to respond when abuse has already taken place.
If you’ve been following AK Child & Family for any recent amount of time, you are probably familiar with the “ACEs”—Adverse Childhood Experiences. Defining and analyzing these experiences helps us understand the extent of trauma a child may have endured, how that trauma affects the brain, and ultimately helps us navigate treating a child who has experienced them.
It’s February, Valentine’s month, and rather appropriately, our theme of the month here at AK Child and Family is Communication. As any relationship counselor worth their salt will tell you, good communication is the bedrock of a healthy relationship. This is true of romantic relationships, and it’s equally true of the relationships we have with our colleagues, our supervisors and the students and families we care for.
This is a recycled blog from January 2017; we feel that it is too good to use just once! We hope you enjoy the read, and glean something to take with you on your own self-care journey.