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Kids in Need Serving Others in Need

Some of the spiritual principles we aim to teach through the Spiritual Life Department at AK Child & Family are that of giving, sharing, and other forms of ‘tithing.’ Our students have done a wide range of projects in an effort to teach that even in our own times of need, we can help others in need and be God’s hands and feet here on earth.

We’ve made care packages for kids staying at Covenant House and have written notes of hope and encouragement for those in McLaughlin Youth Detention Center (places many of our students have been themselves). We’ve made homemade doggie bags and biscuits for the local SPCA (a particularly powerful project, since many kids at AK Child & Family have stronger bonds between animals than people).

Our most recent effort was headed by our Music & Special Ministries Coordinator, Chris Hawk. The goal of the Kairos ministry last weekend at Hiland Mountain Women’s Correctional Center was to change hearts and transform lives to develop a positive community inside the prison. As part of this, at each meal, each woman received a handmade placemat that provided visual words of encouragement, uplifting drawings or scripture. The ministry needed 500 such placemats. It was an honor and a privilege for our students to provide about a 100 of these. Through acts of service such as these, our students and staff have learned in powerful ways that serving others through God’s love weaves us tightly together in community with one another.

The hope is that our AK Child & Family students will feel blessed by reaching out beyond themselves and be empowered by being a community of love and care for the spirits of others. Sometimes we recite this litany before and after each service project:

One Voice: We come together now to serve others.
All: We are God’s hands and feet on earth.
One Voice: We come together now to reach out and spread good cheer.
All: We are God’s hands and feet on earth.
One Voice: Let us remember that we can always help others.
All: Even when we feel in need of help.
One Voice: Let our deeds show and share God’s love.
All: We are like candles spreading light in the world.
One Voice: Let the work we do now make a difference in the lives of others.
All: Looking beyond our own needs we can see how we are blessed.
One Voice: Peace on earth can begin with us here and now.
All: By serving others we share in the gift of life.
One Voice: We are all sisters and brothers.
All: We are all children of God.
One Voice: We come together now to serve our extended family.
All: We are God’s hands and feet on earth.

We are all blessed to be blessings. Every one of us has something to share in this world. I was newly reminded of this by a card I received recently which read, ‘On the street I saw a small girl cold and shivering in a thin dress, with little hope of a decent meal. I became angry and said to God: ‘Why did you permit this? Why don’t you do something about it?’ For a while God said nothing. That night God replied quite suddenly: ‘I certainly did something about it. –I made you.’”


(907) 346-2101 Jesse Lee & Maplewood Campuses

(907) 562-5340 Maley Center

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