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Happy Thanksgiving!

What an honor and a privilege to do the work we do. For 127 years, young people have come to this place of refuge and healing – this place that honors their whole being – this place that knows to whom we belong. For approximately 46,385 days now we have been caring for young people in need. It is an amazing team effort that takes each and every one of us. I am so very grateful for all the dedicated, hard-working and caring people who have been, are, and will be a part of this agency and mission – a part of the healing stories that happen here. For all of this, I give thanks.

I love Meister Eckhart’s quote, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you – it will be enough.” Indeed an attitude of gratitude can draw us nearer to the heart of God. With this in mind we enter this week of THANKS-giving. I trust I speak for many of us here at AK Child & Family as I list a few of gratitudes.

For our students and families – THANK YOU for the honor and privilege of serving you.
For our staff – THANK YOU for your hard work, dedication, creativity, perseverance and care.
For our donors – THANK YOU for your support of our mission – we could not do this work without your generous care.
For our volunteers – THANK YOU for being God’s hands and feet in this place.
For our prayer chain participants- THANK YOU for carrying and uplifting that which is on our students’ hearts and minds.
For school officials and teachers- THANK YOU for all the ways you partner with us.
For those who advocate for youth and families- THANK YOU for working to make our communities a better place for us all.
For our Board of Directors – THANK YOU for your work to insure that AK Child & Family continues to be a thriving and growing agency that serves youth and families as well as possible.
For our mission – THANK YOU for being the guide and compass for all that we do.

On this THANKS-giving week these are just a few things we are grateful for here at AK Child & Family. And so let us, …’enter God’s gates with thanksgiving, and God’s courts with praise! Give thanks to God, bless God’s name!' – Psalm 100:4


(907) 346-2101 Jesse Lee & Maplewood Campuses

(907) 562-5340 Maley Center

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